How To Get Free Website Traffic For Affiliate Marketing
Free Website Traffic
There are ways to leverage free website traffic using these methods that I will show you here. It is difficult to sell anything to anyone without traffic to what you have to offer.
You might have the best product or service, but if no one sees it then it doesn’t mean a damn thing. You could just pay for traffic or buy solo Ads, but if you are just starting out or you’re on a tight budget then you want to leverage the cheapest yet best way to gain an audience.
Let’s take a look at a method being used right now by many people to get hundreds if not thousands of new potential buyers to their product or service.
YouTube is an amazing way to say what you want to say, how you wanna say it and people will listen and it’s proven to convert quicker than text. I am sure you will agree with me when I ask you this... Video down below at the bottom of this post.
Would you rather listen to a 5-minute video or read a 1,000 word blog like this? I’m sure you would rather watch the video And you can go to my YouTube Icon on my site to watch some of the videos I have made. I will be adding a video on this post too. So subscribe to my channel and hit the notification bell to be notified when videos are uploaded.
I am a bit of an old school kind of guy, I like reading and writing, but I also understand that to succeed in this Market you gotta keep up with how things work, so I have created a new YouTube channel to start demonstrating or converting my text into video.
Has it worked for me? you don’t have any subscribers? Don’t worry about that. It will come in good time. I have been marketing in many other ways for a while now.
One of the best reasons to create YouTube videos is the SEO ranking is incredible! Find a good Keyword or Phrase and you shoot right to the top of the searches. YouTube is also easy to digest like I mentioned earlier, in today’s world people don’t have time for all your words. Now, I say that but I also will say you have to write your text in an easy to read format too.
So what can you do through videos? why are they so good?
When you create a video you turn that video into a blog post, now I know you don’t like words, but hey you don’t have to write it. You can out source your videos to someone who will convert them into blog posts with links and all.
Another great reason to use YouTube is that you can show physical proof of sale if you have a happy customer, provided they want to make a video for you.
So these are some reasons I believe you should leverage YouTube to gain free traffic to your website or Affiliate link. It is proven to work and if you know about Affiliate Marketing then you can think of this method that I’m showing you kind of like a funnel.
Blogging! But you said nobody wants to read! they would rather watch a video… ” Video is down below”
While this is true and videos convert better, the fact remains that if you can rank well on a blog through Google you could then stay in that high ranking position for a long time, years even.
Another great reason to write blogs and that is that it’s a system in which you could create a capture page and sales funnel. Through this method you can then proceed with email marketing and build an authority within your niche.
Linking to other sources is another great reason as well as written testimonials.
I know… I know… Video sends a stronger message to the viewer, but did you know a vast majority of people do not like to be on camera, or feel insecure. This is why blogging is a great way to get your message out to the masses.
How are you going to leverage free traffic with a blog? Don’t you need traffic for people to even read your blog?
The best way to leverage free traffic to your blog is through social media, but if you have a YouTube channel and also write a blog then YouTube is of course the best way to direct people to your website and blog post.
Now there are ways blogging can drive traffic to your product or service for free, like Readdit for example or you could create a FB page and write short blogs which direct people to your website for more detailed information.
Overall having a blog is a great way to build a following and become an authority within your niche.
I will leave a link here on an amazing learning platform that teaches you everything you need to know about creating a customized website and writing blogs with so much more! The best part is it’s FREE to join, plus you get 2 free websites through SiteRubix to start.
Niche Based Instagram 
Another way to leverage free website traffic is though Instagram, but video Instagram which is based around your niche. You can offer people small digestible videos which will perk their interest.
Just like YouTube you are giving people something easy to understand in a simple format which can be loaded with information in a short amount of time.
Instagram is also easier to rank through SEO just like YouTube in which your videos will be seen more or become trending. You can build a very strong following through the use of Instagram and again redirect offers through your videos or posts.
Again you can show proof of your results through video or picture which is important to someone looking for your service or product. Having a niche based IG account is great because you are offering a solution to someone’s problem which is what you should be focusing on as an Affiliate Marketer.
Now lets put it all together and see how we can leverage all 3 to benefit you.
All In One (Put it together)
So how can you put all of these together to help you leverage the most out of free website traffic...
First off you can use YouTube to create impactful videos which can direct people to your website. Once at your website they can be guided through a sales funnel and marketed to several times over. You can build a trust with them by sending them to your Instagram to watch short easy to view and to the point videos about anything within your niche.
The YouTube account is a means of providing information in an easy and relatable way with the power of reaching a lot of people. This is your (Niche YouTube) which in turn can have links to not only your direct offer, but more importantly your (Niche based website) This is going to provide you with an opportunity to capture information in an email allowing you to follow up.
Re-Marketing and building trust with a niche authority is your end game here.
Through your blogs and website which has tons of information and links to all kinds of products or services you also drive them to your (Niche based Instagram) This is giving out the short but sweet insightful information or even just motivation or tips. It can be whatever you want which revolves around your niche.
If you don’t like being on camera, write a blog. If you don’t like writing you can outsource your videos. If you don’t know how to create an Instagram brand there are people who can do this for you too, but…
If you are, like most… You probably don’t have a ton of money to outsource and hire brand management or video creators. This means you will need to learn this all on your own, which to be honest is the best way. I think you should learn everything you can, be hands on. Get the experience in failing. Failing is just another opportunity for success.
Leverage Your Content Creations 
Once you have become a complete success and you are just so busy with many projects and multiple streams of revenue, only then do I recommend hiring people to do the work for you. The reason is that, this means you have the money to do so and your not struggling.
This doesn’t mean that if you need a logo made you should learn all about graphic design and photo shop to create one yourself. You can if you want too, but you can go on and get a logo made or hire a freelancer somewhere.
This is also true for writing blogs or converting your videos into blogs. I do believe you should leverage other peoples time to maximize your own, but until you get to that point where you are comfortable hiring someone, you should just try to do as much of it as you can.
Making mistakes will make you a better person, and it will put a few notches of experience under your belt. I believe what you should do is implement the ideas I showed you to leverage yourself as an authority in your niche and provide a good service to those who are in search of what you have to offer.
Build relationships and trust with your followers… They will thank you for it.
I hope this has helped you figure out a few more ways to gain some free traffic to your site or social media.
If this has helped you please leave a comment below.
Watch My Video On 3 Ways To Get Free Website Traffic
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