My Full Wealthy Affiliate Review (2019)
Wealthy Affiliate Review (2019)
You are probably reading this because you heard about Wealthy Affiliate and want to read more into it, and I don’t blame you one bit. Just a quick disclaimer, I am a current member of wealthy Affiliate and hold an annual membership to their program. I want to give an honest and complete review of my experiences and how I feel about their program.
I’m going to go over the whole program with you on Wealthy Affiliate from a beginner joining for free to the paid premium membership platform. You will see everything that is offered and get insight on the training provided for the whole program. This is going to be the last review you will need to read about Wealthy Affiliate to make your decision.
There are many Pros to being a member of this learning platform and they certainly weigh out the Cons. I will go over both for you so you will see both sides to my full Wealthy Affiliate review (2019)
Who And What Is Wealthy Affiliate?
Wealthy Affiliate is a learning platform created by 2 amazing guys named Kyle and Carson. Both of them started Wealthy Affiliate back in 2005 and from what I found it was just a site that could help you find keywords to help start your own online business. Now it is a huge learning platform with over 1.4 million members and is functional in 193 countries.
As you can see Wealthy Affiliate has grown into a very successful business in the 14 years it’s been operating. This program was designed for beginners in mind. It is a perfect easy to follow learning platform with easy to understand step-by-step video tutorials. It honestly doesn’t get any easier to learn about Affiliate Marketing.
When Kyle and Carson created the Wealthy Affiliate program they did so to truly be able to help others. I get a lot of people say to me “How do you know it’s not one big elaborate scam” I usually chuckle a bit and tell them “I really don’t think 1.4 million people could be wrong” If it was an actual scam it would have been exposed and shut down by now.
You can look online and not find anything bad about them, and this is because they follow through with what they promise to do. It is a learning platform and they offer the training you will need to be successful, however that success depends on your willingness to work hard and be diligent. The old saying goes “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink” is absolutely true when it comes to this program. They can teach you everything in the book (and they kinda do) but if you don’t apply yourself and sit on your hands all day then it doesn’t matter how much they teach you.
There is no shortage of inspiration at Wealthy Affiliate! 
If fact there is so much inspiration and care from the community that it starts to feel like family. Speaking about family who is involved with the magic behind the curtain? We know it is founded by Kyle and Carson who are from Canada, but who else helps out with things?
This is the dream team behind the scenes!
You have KC who is Programming chief. Then you have Aaron the Technology Chief. Then there is Jay who is the Training coach.
You will see a lot of (Jay) because he is the one who does the live training classes. For the step-by-step training it is done by Kyle, but Jay is all over the place at Wealthy Affiliate. You will see him post blogs and he sends out invites for his training live classes with Q & A.
So now you know who and what Wealthy Affiliate is let’s look at all the benefits and bells and whistles when you become a member and join the Wealthy Affiliate program.
Free To Join (Beginners & Premium)
When you decide to try out Wealthy Affiliate it is something you can do with no regrets because it is completely free to join. The platform is free to join and create a profile for other members to find you and join your network. No C.C. is needed to sign up and you receive a few benefits to joining.
The first perk is a 7-day free trial of the learning program with some premium features to try out. The second benefit is 2 free websites. They give you 2 free websites when you join which are hosted through and also offer free hosting.
There are two types of members, there are the non-paying members who are going through the free trial to get a good understanding of who Wealthy Affiliate is, before they decide to make that transition to paid member. And then you have the paid members who went through it already and are working hard to carve out their piece of the Internet marketing pie.
When you first join you will 99.9% sure join as a free member just to “take it for a spin”. There is nothing wrong with that, I can tell you I would rather you try it before you buy it. Now when you do join as a free member you get some perks like I mentioned before. Let’s take a look at all of those perks you get just for signing up.

After 7 days, a Starter can still access their websites and the Level 1 courses (including Boot Camp), and they can still read everything that’s going on. BUT they lose access to all communication – no Live Chat, no blogs, no comments.
Let’s look at this for a beginner (Non-paid) member.
LIVE HELP (first 7 days)
- KEYWORD RESEARCH TOOL (30 searches free)
- AFFILIATE PROGRAM (You can Market and promote the program as a free member)
- 1 ON 1 COACHING (First 7 days)
This was all just for signing up, you get all of this as part of the Wealthy Affiliate Program and you don’t even have to pay! Now think about what the paid members have access to? I can tell you this much the members who pay have double the perks than the free members get. Don’t get me wrong it is fine to start off as a free member and try it out, but I will tell you this right now. Once you have finished you first phase of training you will need to become a premium member to finish your training and get to the make money part.
The training is vital to your success here at Wealthy Affiliate. You can not skip lessons or just complete the first phase and think you will know everything there is to know. Another thing people think they can do is just ask the members at Wealthy Affiliate to bypass the training, but it doesn’t work that way. After 7 days, a Starter member will lose access to all communication – no Live Chat, no blogs, no comments. So this is where the paid membership comes in handy.
You wouldn’t want to start an awesome website with a great idea only to stay in the “free zone” of the program. Wealthy Affiliate offers a ton of perks when joining and is bar none the best educational website I have found to teach you from the ground up.
Beyond Training
In addition to great training you also have access to the community here at Wealthy Affiliate. This is great because it is 24/7 and someone is always online to help out or answer questions. There is a live chat which can answer your questions within a few minutes. You can create blogs within the community which in themselves will be ranked and can be found online. Here is a screenshot of the live chat as people are helping others every minute.
People can ask about anything in the chat like SEO, recommendations for good themes, tips on other training, problematic errors, and anything else that you might have a problem with. (Mind you the live chat is for paid members only). You do get 7 days to try it, but after that it is cut off.
You get access to Jaaxy keyword research tools. This is perfect to help you with your SEO and get you ranked quicker. You get 30 free keywords to search as a free member. Being a paid member there are unlimited keywords you can search. This is going to be a huge advantage to obtaining organic traffic to your site. Jaaxy is an exclusive here at Wealthy Affiliate because it was created by the owners. They were into SEO keyword research before they started this amazing learning platform.
The Keyword Search Now For Yourself.
Free Hosting
Wealthy Affiliate offers free hosting to their members, even the free members get free hosting on their free websites. The hosting is provided by SiteRubix which is an exclusive here at Wealthy Affiliate. This is all part of the package here to help you grow your business and be the best you can be. You do not need to host your site through Wealthy Affiliate nor do you need to buy your domain from this platform either. The option is available if you like and is there for your convince.
If you have an existing website that you want to move to the Wealthy Affiliate platform you can do that. This way you would have access to “Site Content” which is where you could write out your content like you would normally do on WordPress. The difference is you get access to thousands of free images to use for your posts and you can create templates to use for your writing. There is a spell checker also included which helps tremendously and you could save all your drafts to a “bucket” for further progress. It is really a nice feature to have.
Access To Things Not Mentioned
When you join Wealthy Affiliate as a free member you get a taste of some premium features but not all and once your a premium member you get access to things not even mentioned.
First off you get thousands of free themes and plugins for WordPress which is not really mentioned on the membership options. You also get to make money through the comments and site feedback which are mentioned, but it doesn’t say you can actually make some money doing it, which is GREAT!
There is also the trip to Las Vegas…. That’s right you read it. The trip to Las Vegas.
It is not mentioned, but this is how it works. If you are a premium member and are actively promoting Wealthy Affiliate you can earn an all expense paid trip to the Wealthy Affiliate Conference each year. You only win for the year in which you completed 300 sales to premium with Wealthy Affiliate. This is Awesome!
And Yes that is money on top of those books which is given to you as spending cash. It’s a couple hundred bucks in case you were wondering.
Success Here At Wealthy Affiliate
I’m sure all the bells and whistles sounds great, but can you find success here at Wealthy Affiliate? Well the short answer is yes you certainly can. Just checkout some of these stories and testimonials.
“2 days after joining wealthy affiliate, I couldn’t be more excited as I could finally see all the pieces of a puzzle I had been searching for all those years… So simply falling into place.
It finally made sense… And I was not once told that I ever had to promote WA in order to make money online… I had the choice to build my business on anything I was passionate about.
I went premium…
And BOY! was my mind blown!”
By: Marc Parsons Member since 2015
“I bumped into WA when I was reading a review for Clickbank University. I was about to join Clickbank University when the review (Jason Mardis of WA) mentioned that there is an online program even way better than them. And it’s freaking Free. Turns out he was referring to Wealthy Affiliate.
So I went and I tried the Free Starter Membership, and on the sixth day of free training, I knew that I’ve found a real deal here with WA. The rest is history I guess.”
By: Dominic Member since 2015
“My story is a little different then other members simply because when I discovered the WA back in 2012 I’d already been making a full time income online, and doing so as of 2005.
But I’m sure glad I did find the WA.
First off this is a true community, everyone that I have encountered is looking to learn and to share what they know so everyone can reach their goals no matter what they are.
I’ve personally made some great friendships as well as some very lucrative business connections.
But beyond that, from the additional information that I have learned through the WA’s training and through other even more experienced members.
The wealthy affiliate has helped me triple my income in the last year alone and I am on track to do it again this year.
And beyond all the tool, the training, resources, support and constant innovations and updates.
No matter what your level of experience in the online world there is something for everyone in the WA.
As soon as you think you’ve learned everything or know everything about online marketing that’s when you’re going to get into trouble and see your business slide backwards.
I have zero intention of ever leaving the WA – simply because it provides me with the latest information of online marketing to keep scaling up my business each and every year and to stay ahead of my competition.
And for the price of a yearly premium membership – that’s a steal.”
By: Leo Member Since 2012
“I am recently disabled and was desperately looking for something not only to fill my time but something that I could feel accomplished in doing something productive in each day, and lastly something I could make money with while staying at home.
I also needed something that was extremely flexible because for me every day is different with the level and placement of my pain. Sometimes I can’t follow my own thoughts, some days it hard to sit for a long time and a lot of times I have horrible insomnia.
I had tried out a few of the “work from home” scams out there and then became really critical of all of them because of the lack of money and integrity that some of these websites have. Then I came across Wealthy Affiliates.
I joined free just to take a closer look and before my free week was up I had made my decision to join. I was really amazed at everything they offer. From the training to the community involvement it was amazing. I won’t go into all the details because so many of them have been posted by other commenter’s here, but I and I would certainly recommend it to anyone looking to create a website and generate income from home.”
By: Debra Member Since 2015
* I would like to point out that all of these members who left a testimonial are still with Wealthy Affiliate. There is truly too many stories to put it just keeps going and going.
I would like to talk about my story
“I started with Wealthy Affiliate in 2017 not knowing a thing about Affiliate Marketing was or how to start an online business. I was looking to supplement my income and eventually only work for myself. I was tired of working the 9 to 5 and the rat race.
I wanted more out my life and was involved with who is now my wife when I started all of this. She is from Indonesia and I was living in NYC. I kept my promise of finding a way to move to Indonesia and being able to create an income to support us both. It didn’t take long before I already had my first website up and running with creating content every day. I found that it kept me busy in my spare time and I was able to save a lot of money because I mostly worked on my site.
This was what I needed to do so I can achieve my goal of moving to Indonesia to be with my wife. Fast forward about a year and I was able to move to Indonesia and I now have two websites up and running both producing results. The first one took a few months to bring in some income and the second one took a little longer because of the niche I went with, but all in all I am here now.
I have been living in Indonesia with my wife for over a year now. I couldn’t be happier and I owe Wealthy Affiliate a lot to making my dreams come true. I think the best part of all of this is I don’t have to be in the rat race anymore. I would highly recommend this program to anyone who is new to online Marketing and Affiliate Marketing. This is perfect for beginners and is also good for experienced people who already have a site but would like more education on a particular subject.
If your going to do something don’t do it half-way. Put your all into what you want and you will be sure to see results.”
Aaron G.
Griffin Lifestyle
“Actions Lead To Results”
Can Anyone Do This?
The short answer is yes. Anyone can do this if they put their minds to it and learn the skills needed to become successful. Is it for everyone?… That depends on the person. Some people want immediate results, I’m talking within a week or even less. This is just not possible because this is not a get-rich-quick scheme. To create your own website and start an online business it takes dedication and hard work. There needs to be patients too, the results will vary depending on the person applying the knowledge given to them.
With that said, if you have the drive to become independent and work for yourself creating your own working hours and living your dream which is only held back by your limitations then I say go for it. It can be fun and you get to learn about something you may have not known about. The education you can get here through the program can be taken anywhere in the world. It applies to the same foundation of internet marketing and only evolves, but doesn’t completely change. Marketing is a skill to be learned just as SEO is. These are in high demand and you can make another person very rich by working for them with the knowledge you can obtain from the lessons here.
Or you can take the information and apply it to your own site and market your own brand and make yourself rich. I would go for the ladder of the two and work for myself, but everybody is different.
Pros And Cons Of Wealthy Affiliate
- Tons of information to learn everything you need to know about internet marketing and Affiliate Marketing
- Support from a huge community all around the world
- 24/7 site support to fix any bugs you may have with your site
- Live chat
- Hosting through Wealthy Affiliate themselves
- Able to purchase domain names here too
- Access to thousands of themes and plugins
- Allowed to join for free and market the program as a free member
- Site content
- Jaaxy Keyword research tool
- Live training classes
- Network with over 1.4 million like-minded individuals
- Win a trip to Vegas
- Content and website feedback
- Affordable program
- A+ training with walk through step-by-step videos
- Ability to speak directly to the owners
- Hosting for up to 50 websites
- Does not cover email marketing or funnels systems in detail
- Marketing the program as a free member doesn’t pay out as much as a premium member
- Site content sometimes acts up and can be very frustrating when trying to complete work
- Jaaxy research tool is great for premium members, but free members only get 30 word searches
- You can only talk to the owners if you are a paid member
- Live chat is only for premium members after your 7 days to try things out
- Plugins can only be accessed to premium members
The Pros most certainly weight out the Cons and even the cons are not too bad. When you become a premium member it seems most of the cons go away.
This program is truly designed to help you reach your goals and become the best in what you do with your online business. Affiliate Marketing is the main focus here and it is part of one of the 4 fundamentals to a business model that you should start on. I will leave a video below talking about how to set up a business model. The first thing you should master is Affiliate Marketing and then think about coaching followed with Events and Mastermind classes. With the coaching and events you could sell digital products like e-books or downloadable training courses, but we are getting ahead of ourselves here…aren’t we?
Try out the program for yourself and you will see this is the last Affiliate Marketing training course you will ever need. There are others out there and one that comes to mind is ClickBank University which I went through. I got a lot of good information from them, but it is nothing compared to Wealthy Affiliate. Click the link to check out CBU.
How To Get Started
You can simply go to the link >>CLICK HERE<< and sign up for free. After you create your own username you will fill out a profile and write some goals down. It is important to have goals. You need something to shoot for. After this you will go to the first phase of training which will teach you how to get your first website up and running. And the rest will be history, it’s really that simple to get started.
If you have any questions or comments please leave them below and I will be sure to get back to you.
All the best
Aaron G.