Home Based Business

Home Based Business

Have you ever wanted to work from home? Most people now a
days are looking to either supplement their income or they are just sick of
their income and job. It is estimated that over 70% of Americans hate the job they work in every grueling day. Now having a home-based business or working from home would be great, but how and where do you start? I’m going to tell you about one of my favorite home based businesses.

Making Money From Home

Working from home

The first thing you need is an idea, something you are
passionate about or have experience with.
You could sell a product or blog about products or places you have been. Video marketing or Vlogging is another great way to earn extra income. Once, you have your idea of what you are going to want to do to start a rewarding life working from home, then you need to know how to promote said idea.

This means you need some kind of social media presence or
website. The website will be your best bet to get results. You are probably
thinking to yourself, I don’t know the first thing about getting or owning a
website! “Aren’t those things expensive and difficult to operate?” NO!, now a day’s
websites are way more visual and easier to understand especially with the help
of “plugin’s” and “WordPress”.

There are tons of coaching and programs out there that offer
assistance to learn how to start your own business from home and earn a living
with the laptop lifestyle. There are many, but only few produce results and
give you the proper training you will need to make any money. I will give you
the breakdown of why the Affiliate Marketing option is the way to go if you are
looking to earn residual income working from anywhere in the world that has an
internet connection.

Affiliate marketing is a great way to make money
over-and-over again each month off one sale
. No re-selling the same person
multiple times. The way I make my money online is through Affiliate Marketing
and this can be done through multiple “Big Name” Labels like Amazon, E-bay,
Alibaba and many others. This is Affiliate Marketing for products, now to
Market a service or learning plat-form which I am a member of “Wealthy Affiliate” and this
is a program that offers not just training, but tons of perks by
joining to become a
, which usually cost money, but is totally worth it! Now, if you are promoting products you can usually
join an Affiliate Marketing program or receive a link to products like Amazon
or Share-a-sale for free, as-long-as you have a website. The thing is how do you build a bad-ass website? Working from home or remotely is not a push button automatic system. There is a lot of work that goes into it, and anyone telling you different is lying to you, also you will want to be in total control of your site for if and when something goes wrong.

How Do You Start?

The question is this, you decided to get your website through some cheap one page website hosting site. OK great… now what? Do you know how to post content? Do you know about coding or
HTML? Do you know about plugins? How about Marketing and gaining exposure. Look
I never said it would be easy to make money online, but it can be very
It does take time and dedication and you must crawl before you walk.
You need to know about SEO and Keyword research. Learning all of this could
cost you thousands of dollars and tons of time wasted if you never apply the
knowledge learned. Therefore, I recommend “Wealthy Affiliate”, because they
teach you how to properly build simple websites, and they offer tons of themes
to make it easy and visual. No coding or HTML or Java C++ needed. Just a good
imagination and the will to do some work. Here is a link to the benefits offered by Wealthy Affiliate.writing

You do need to write quite a bit, but in this business,
content is king! The more content the better the chance of you succeeding in your work from home laptop lifestyle venture. Look even if you have a solid product you want to sell, and you have over-head and need to get rid of it, you still need to promote it. Therefore, I say Affiliate Marketing is the way to
go. No real big investment needed, no over-head or stock, no worry about customer complaints in case they receive their order late. (Of course, you don’t want that to happen) but mistakes happen sometimes.

I am going to extend an olive branch to you just like it was
to me, I want to invite you to try the Wealthy Affiliate program for free for 7days, No Credit card to join, unless you WANT to join to become a premium member. And that is paid two ways, each month, and you can cancel anytime or on an annual basis which will save you about half the cost. Try it for free and receive 2 free websites for life. The extra training will cost you of course, but it is not required to JOIN FOR FREE.



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