How To Make Money On A Blog For Beginners
If writing is something you love to do, and you would like to learn how to make money from something you love. Please continue to read and find out how. Here you will learn the basics of starting a blog and what’s involved. You will have an option to join a program to learn how to create your own website and blog. You will also learn valuable do’s and dont’s. This is how you learn to blog for beginners.
Where do I start?
This is usually the first question I get, Where do I start? I always say, Start at the beginning. This is where you will decide what you would like to blog about? Or what is your Niche? What do you have a passion for is what you should be asking yourself. “Once” you have figured this out you can start to create some content behind it. Now in order to write your content you need a place to write your words. Like a journal or Diary, A blog is where you will put your content to be read by others online. To be able to read your blog online you will need a website which can be achieved at NO cost to you, and I will share this information with you as we go along.
After you have established a website, you will need to have hosting and an SEO, along with a format for you to use as a writing tool Like ” Word Press.” I know all of this might sound overwhelming but it is fairly simple if taught how to use the software properly. I also would like to make it very clear, In NO way will you be successful if you do not Work. Hard Work results in success. Let’s go a bit further in detail about what it takes to write your own blog and earn income. Let’s look at
- Website building ( what you need to know for a beginner )
- WordPress
- What to do and not do
- Taking the next step towards creating your own blog
Website Building (what you need to start)
When building a website it is important to remember it is all about content, especially if you’re starting a blog. Now how do I even start ” building a website ” is what your saying, I know. The best way in my opinion is WordPress, but we will get into that more next. So to have your own site you need to purchase your own Domain for your Website. This can usually cost around $13 bucks. You would also need to purchase and download WordPress. When starting you do not need a dedicated server only after you have gained a significant amount of traffic should you consider upgrading to a dedicated server. ” a service that offers web hosting ”
After you have your Software installed and you have purchased your domain then you can start building your initial frame work for your website and blog. This is usually done through content editor, or ” Site Content ” You will need a privacy policy page and an about me page. After these are established it is just a matter of updating with content and adding Affiliate links if you want to monetize your site and make money from it.
There are many ways to make money from your blog. One way is through “AdSense” which is basically Ad’s that are running on your website offering another type of product. The way you make money from this is when someone clicks on one of those Ad’s. For every “click” you get a small fee for allowing Google to Advertise someone else’s Advertisement. Another way to make money with your blog is through Affiliate links, Which is offering someone a product or service and having them go through your link to buy or obtain the service.
This is an amazing tool to build and host your New Website! WordPress offers themes to use for what your website will look like. There are Plugins you can download to WordPress to help with the building of your site. There are images available to the user for free. WordPress is also always updating which is great because it continues to offer more tools to used to help you better your Website.
WordPress is one of the best tools out there to create a Content Rich Website with clean Images and Did I mention it is super easy to use. When I first learned how to build websites myself I thought O.M.G. I am going to need to learn all this CODE!! but thankfully Nope, You don’t. It is more visual Nowadays, however there is still code that makes up the pictures and themes with Banners and Ad’s. “IF” there is Code that needs to be inputted then you can choose the TEXT option to input the code.
I know all of this sound like it’s too much! overwhelming. I want to let you know it’s not at all actually. All the information to build your site is offered through an Affiliate Program called Wealthy Affiliate. They offer everything you need to start and build your very own website to blog or do whatever it is you have a passion for. Starting for FREE there is an amazing introductory offer You might as well start for free and see the value for yourself. For more information about joining Wealthy Affiliate please continue reading. To learn more about the Company its self

What to do and not do
So when you start off building your new website you might be tempted to rush through everything to get your blog up on the internet and read by millions! Do not rush through anything, take your time and results will follow. The one thing is this is not something that will become Viral overnight. If you do have a good blog title that goes viral then that’s amazing! unlikely though. In order to even go viral you need to be indexed and have some kind of Ad running to catch the eye of a viewer.
So, You DO NOT want to RUSH through learning or writing your blogs or doing your research. This takes time to see results. I know that nobody wants to hear that, they want instant success. I’m here to say it doesn’t work that way my friend, I am sorry. The way it does work is done through HARD WORK and dedication. Continuous writing and updating, using titles and keywords, SEO. It takes time and patience with getting Rankings. “Once” you have an active website up and running the possibilities are endless for you to promote your blog.
Taking the next step
The next step is getting started with owning your own website and writing your own blog!! You can do this for absolutely FREE at Wealthy Affiliate. This service is free to join and start with a free website, teaching you how to build your own site and get rankings with Google, Bing, Yahoo and much, much more teachings available when joining. ” WA” Wealthy Affiliate starts you off for free, with option to join into the paid membership for $19 the first month, $49 each month after that. I recommend starting on the first month and then upgrading to the Annual price of only $349! you save almost half!!
There are many Affiliate programs that teach the same things taught at Wealthy Affiliate, but nothing compares close to what you get for the cost. If you have any questions please leave them below and I will be happy to get back to you. Thank you and have a prosperous day! Aaron G.