Tips On How To Write A Blog

Tips On How To Write A Blog

When writing a blog you have to remember that writing a blog is a lot like writing a short story describing an event, person, place, or thing. In any story you have to have a Title, Index or body, Climax or product description, its when you want to reveal your main idea. Finally you want to have your ending or the purchase point of your blog or product review. The main importance here is having good content. You have to have good original content. This will help with getting your point across, because the last thing you want is too sound vague. Images are great to use, reason being you can describe something in perfect detail with an to write a blog

Create A Topic

This is the part where you the writer will get creative and come up with an idea to write about. Commonly referred to as a “Niche”. This can be about anything you want. For example if you want it to be a Niche on Clowns, you could talk about the circus or something more sinister like “IT” the Stephen King thriller! It really could be about anything. You could talk about traveling, or when you really get good at writing a blog you could talk about writing blogs! just a little blog writing humor.

My point is you can have a Niche or topic on anything. You could talk about trending new fashion, Electronics or Technology. A great way to choose your topic to blog about is by following the trends you want to blog on. You want to make sure you will have something to always talk about. You also want to make sure the niche you have chosen isn’t too saturated or Broad.

When the niche is too much of a wide category, its best to narrow it down. Talk about something specific like if its Cell Phones, you don’t want to just talk about cell phones. You want to be a little more specific like picking a brand name like “iPhone or Samsung” Choose something you are comfortable talking about. Talk about something you have knowledge of. “When” you pick something to be the platform of what you will be writing from you want to be able to branch that topic out so that you never run out of CONTENT.

Content is what makes your blog not only successful but also keeps people coming back to learn more. Reviews are great to do when thinking of a topic to write about, and they help your reader learn more about a product or place or whatever you are reviewing. So remember when choosing your Topic or niche you always want to stick with what you know or have knowledge in and you will be sure to succeed.

Research Topic

After you have chosen what you will blog about “your niche” you will then research your topic. You want to know if your niche or topic is trending, or what products in your niche are trending. By knowing what other people are talking about you can base your content around that, it makes it more recognizable in a web search.

There are different ways on what exactly to write about and what titles to use when creating a blog. One way is to use “keyword Ranking” plugins to see how much traffic a certain phrase or word search will get you. Keyword How To Another way to find out what is popular and trending is to search Face book forums and post. You can also add to your google + the topic of your niche and you will receive notifications of what is trending in your niche.

There are many ways to research a niche or product to blog about. Just by doing a review you will be researching the products you will be reviewing. That is one reason why I think writing reviews is so great, you get to learn more about a particular subject or item. For example if you like to learn this can be very rewarding, but other than learning this information is going to get you closer to the main goal which is to Monetize your site.


Now that you have a Niche or topic and you have run a few words through Jaaxy, now you can come up with a great Title and build on your content. “This the meat and potatoes part”. This is the part where you put your content, what your going to review or talk about, or who your going to talk about.

Whatever it is that your going to talk about, it has to be interesting enough to keep the reader’s attention. This is the main importance of the title, to attract attention. Usually when you are reviewing a product you always want to put price comparison, design, functionality or performance, and of course affordability. You always want to offer your reader’s what’s best for them.

For example if you offer your reader a shady offer do you think they will come back? probably not. The goal is to build confidence by reviewing a product, place or thing and become a reliable source for said product, place or thing. For example if you can accomplish good content with solid research you can build traffic and monetize your site. The content of your site is going to help you with Rankings from Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

With keyword rich content and the right topic and title you could gain some high rankings. The higher the ranking, and by higher I mean Lower it is the more traffic you are getting to your site. More traffic means more money, subscribers, likes, etc. Rankings going Up


This brings us to the linking part where you will be linking your products you are promoting to sell. Its important to remember when adding links to your Blog, try not to add too many. Google does not like that and your ranking will suffer. Unfortunately I don’t have a magic number of links to put.

There are different kinds of links, you have Affiliate links to products and programs. Then you have internal links from one website to another supporting your content. Remember when you are adding links it is just as important to add images to give a visual of what you are trying to convey. Also when adding your images you can really say a lot with your image.

It is important that when adding your image you put an (ALT title) you want to do this, it helps with your overall ranking. You can add links to your images, so when clicked on they take the reader to another place in your site, or maybe it takes them to a product to purchase. Links and images are an important role in your blog by helping tell the story. If there is one thing I couldn’t stress enough its to save your content as you go along. For example if you forgot when it was the last time you saved, then its time to save.

Make Money

Now that you have your content in place and your links are complete with proper images, you can start making money. There are many ways to make money owning your own Website for example you could run a drop shipping company or you could promote through Shopify, you could set up an online store or market through Face book. There are many other options when owning a website. I have total control of my website and if I want to be specific with my product I can do that.

OK how do you make money through your Blog! That’s what you want to know. One way is through the links I was talking about, those links are connected to your Affiliate number to a product or a program that you are blogging about or referring people to.

For example if you want to learn more in detail about how to start your own blog or build your own website and start learning how to write your own success story? Follow me, I will show you exactly what I did to start my own Website and blog site to get Great rankings! and learn to make money! all for Free!! You will learn the same Techniques I have learned to write Rich content, leverage social media and find great ranking keywords using Jaaxy!

If you have any questions about how to start your own blog please leave them below.

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